Amber Nelon Thompson - Bought And Paid For Lyrics

Bought And Paid For Lyrics

I was caught in life's confusion
And I couldn't find my own way
And I didn't even know that I was lost
Like a prisoner in bondage
With no way to pay the bail
Till Jesus bought my freedom on the cross

It was bought and paid for
Purchased by the Savior
Who paid the price at Calvary
It was freely given
And the way was made to heaven
That was bought and paid for you and me

Now I love to sing His glory
And to praise His holy Name
And I live to tell the story of His love
How He found me in my prison
And He broke away the chain
When He purchased my salvation with His blood

It was bought and paid for
Purchased by the Savior
Who paid the price at Calvary
It was freely given
And the way was made to heaven
That was bought and paid for you and me

Oh, it was bought and paid for
Purchased by the Savior
Who paid the price at Calvary
It was freely given
And the way was made to heaven
That was bought and paid for you and me...

Bought And Paid For Video

Bought And Paid For Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

**Bought And Paid For by Amber Nelon Thompson**

*Note: Unfortunately, I was unable to find a song titled "Bought And Paid For" by Amber Nelon Thompson. It is possible that this song does not exist or it has not been released at the time of writing. However, I can still provide an analysis of a hypothetical song with this title based on the context you provided.*

*Please keep in mind that the following analysis is based on a fictional song and does not reflect any actual song by Amber Nelon Thompson.*


In this hypothetical song titled "Bought And Paid For" by Amber Nelon Thompson, we can imagine a powerful message of redemption and salvation. The song portrays the idea that Jesus Christ has paid the ultimate price for our sins and offers us the gift of eternal life through His sacrifice on the cross. The lyrics suggest that through His death and resurrection, we can find freedom, forgiveness, and a way to heaven.

**Verse 1**

The song begins with the lines: "I was caught in life's confusion, And I couldn't find my own way, And I didn't even know that I was lost." These lines convey a sense of hopelessness and spiritual blindness. The speaker acknowledges their inability to find direction and understand their own spiritual state.


The chorus of the song emphasizes the central message: "It was bought and paid for, Purchased by the Savior, Who paid the price at Calvary, It was freely given, And the way was made to heaven, That was bought and paid for you and me." These lines highlight the concept of salvation being a free gift from God, made possible through the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross. The phrase "bought and paid for" suggests that Jesus paid the price for our sins and offers us eternal life as a result.

**Verse 2**

The second verse of the song could delve deeper into the personal experiences of the speaker. It could explore how they were once trapped, like a prisoner in bondage, with no hope of escape. However, Jesus bought their freedom through His sacrifice on the cross, providing a way out of their spiritual despair and offering them a new life.


The bridge of the song might focus on the transformation and gratitude experienced by the speaker. They now love to sing God's glory and praise His holy name. Their life's purpose is to share the story of God's love and redemption, and how they were found and rescued by Jesus. The bridge could serve as a moment of reflection and a call to others to embrace the salvation offered through Christ.

**Meaning and Inspiration**

The hypothetical song "Bought And Paid For" carries a powerful message of salvation and redemption. It reminds listeners of the incredible love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who willingly laid down His life to save humanity from sin and offer eternal life. The lyrics convey the idea that we are all lost and in need of a Savior, but through Jesus' death and resurrection, we can find forgiveness, freedom, and a way to heaven.

The inspiration for this song could stem from personal experiences, biblical teachings, or a desire to share the message of salvation with others. The songwriter may have been moved by their own journey of faith and the realization of God's incredible grace and love. They may have felt compelled to express their gratitude and share the hope they have found in Jesus Christ through the medium of music.

**Biblical Analysis**

While this hypothetical song does not have specific biblical references, its central message aligns with key themes found throughout the Bible. The concept of salvation through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross is a foundational belief in Christianity. Here are a few biblical references that support the ideas conveyed in the song:

1. Ephesians 2:8-9: "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works so that no one can boast." This verse emphasizes that salvation is a free gift from God and cannot be earned through our own efforts.

2. Romans 5:8: "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." This verse highlights the sacrificial love of Jesus, who died for us even when we were still in a state of sin.

3. John 3:16: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." This well-known verse speaks to the love of God and the offer of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ.

These biblical references affirm the central message of the song, emphasizing that salvation is a gift from God, made possible through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. The song's lyrics echo the biblical teachings of forgiveness, redemption, and the way to eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ.


Though the specific song "Bought And Paid For" by Amber Nelon Thompson could not be found, we can still imagine a powerful message of redemption and salvation based on the context provided. This hypothetical song emphasizes the idea that Jesus Christ has paid the ultimate price for our sins and offers us the gift of eternal life through His sacrifice. It conveys a sense of hope and gratitude for the salvation we have received. While the analysis is based on a fictional song, it aligns with biblical themes of grace, forgiveness, and the offer of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ.

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